VIP Membership Benefits

Di explains the different levels of VIP differences and rights and interests, which will help you to judge whether to buy or not to buy, and which one to buy. Diarmo has been adding new high-quality resources from time to time, and subsequent VIP prices will rise.

anthropocentric VIP Board Memberships can be purchased/upgraded and upgraded for the difference in price only.


VIP membership benefits, resource categories:

VIP Level:Quarterly VIP, Yearly VIP, Lifetime VIP. the paid resource purchase box area has a statement about whether the VIP can get free access/discounts.

Membership expiration date:Quarterly VIP-3 months, Package VIP-12 months, Lifetime VIP-permanent.

Resource type: TheFree ResourcesPaid ResourcesVIP Free ResourcesFree resources for yearly VIPsLifetime VIP Free ResourcesVIP Exclusive ResourcesOfficial.

Free resources: no fees, free access for everyone.

Paid resources: Non-VIP, all need to pay for access.

VIP Free: Resources that say "VIP Free/ X Discount" are free to access/discounted for all VIPs.

Package VIP Free: Resources that say "Package VIP Free/ X Discount" are only available for free/discounted for Package VIP and Lifetime VIP.

Free Lifetime VIP: TheResources that say "Free for Lifetime VIPs/ X Discount" are only available for free/ discounted for Lifetime VIPs.

VIP Exclusive: Resources that say "VIP Exclusive" are only available to VIP users.

Official version: the title written "genuine", "Key activation" of the resources from the official original price of the purchase of genuine resources, 99% can be updated online (very few resources of the official version of the official itself is not activated, can not be updated online), non-cracked version / GPL version. GPL version.

In Introduction to GPL ResourcesTags at the bottom of the articlepurchase box The resource type/VIP benefits are indicated in the location, etc:


What's the difference between buying resources individually and upgrading your VIP?

Purchasing a VIP membership has the benefits/differences listed below compared to purchasing resources outright.

Difference one:Prices vary. The total cost of purchasing multiple resources is very high, and buying a VIP membership is much more cost-effective. If you only need a few resources, it is more economical to buy them individually.

Distinction two:The validity period is different. Resources purchased individually are generally valid for 2 years (as stated on the resource purchase page). If you buy a VIP membership, you can't continue to download/view resources after the membership expires.

Distinction Three:After-sales service is different. If you buy individually, you can enjoy normal manual after-sales service at present, and you may only provide message/work order/email support when your business is busy at a later stage. While VIP can enjoy free manual after-sales service within the validity period, which can solve the problem quickly, in detail and truly.

Distinction Four:Annual and Lifetime VIPs enjoy the privilege of finding/acquiring resources for free. Although only a few resources are on the site, our resource library has more than 2,000 themes, plugins and website templates, covering most of the paid WordPress resources on the market, and new ones are added all the time!

As long as you are a yearly/lifetime VIP, send the name of the resource you want to WeChat customer service, we will find it in the resource library and provide it for free. Basically Themed forests Or any other GPL station's resources, Diamo has them all.

Tip: Please don't ask for too much, no moderation, make sure you need this resource before you let us find it. Too many plug-ins installed on the site, even after uninstallation, will leave database garbage and scheduled tasks, etc., affecting performance and speed.

Distinction Five:The annual and lifetime VIP can also enjoy WeChat one-on-one manual Q & A. WordPress website building problems can ask us, Diamo know all, give professional, really useful answers.

Tip: Baidu can find answers to questions and operations, Diamo does not provide guidance. Please do not be too lazy and treat us as Baidu, which is not conducive to your knowledge and growth.

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