TranslatePress setup tutorial, including plugin download, automatic translation API registration, manual translation

TranslatePress setup tutorial
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This tutorial is the TranslatePress setup tutorial, if you haven't installed it yet, click to download itTranslatePress BusinessPlugin. TranslatePress (TP for short) is the best translation plugin in our mind, and it is also one of the few plugins that we have found that can use the auto-translation function in China with SEO effect and support manual modification of translation.

能在导航栏插入语言切换器,兼容Elementor,能在ele编辑界面设置任意内容在某些语言中显示/隐藏。本站英文版本也使用TranslatePress Business制作。我们觉得TranslatePress是目前最合适的中国大陆境内WordPress网站多语言解决方案。


TranslatePress setup tutorial

Click "Settings" under "Translation Sites" on the top bar of the website to enter the settings screen.

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Enter first"Additional features"Settings.Active (Open) The following figure ↓ 4 functions, other functions please decide whether to open or not according to the actual situation.

Additional function content setting

Seo Pack.Enable to make the translated language SEO effective. You can translate SEO titles, SEO descriptions, URLs, set HTML lang attributes, and SEO support for facebook and twitter social graph information for small languages. Make small languages SEO effective and get better rankings. ClickView Details. Multilingual sitemap supports all popular SEO plugins: Yoast SEO, Rank Math, AIOSEO, SEOPress.

Multiple Languages.It is recommended to enable it to add multiple translation languages, without it you can only add one.

DeepL Automatic Translation.After enabling it, you can use DeepL automatic translation function, which is available in China and not blocked. It is called neural translation, translation accuracy Google Translate high. Mainland credit cards can not be registered to open DeepL api, you need to go to Taobao to spend about 39 to buy a free api valid for life. if you use Google automatic translation, this function does not need to open.

Browse As User Role.It is recommended to enable the ability to switch user identities in the manual translation screen so that dynamic page content based on logged in/unlogged out status can be viewed and translated.

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Automatic user language detection.Enable can be based on the visitor's IP address, browser language, etc. to determine the appropriate language suitable for the customer, a language selection box pops up, allowing visitors to choose to enter which language version of the page, the text can be self-customized.

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Next, go to the "General" section and set up the settings as shown below.

1 is the default language of the site, 2 select the new language you want to add and press 3 to add the language.

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Formality is the setting DeepL translationd whether the language is on the colloquial or formal side, click to view theDetailed explanation. The default is Default, leave it alone.

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"Advanced" sectionYou can change some compatibility settings as well as enhance the translation function, if you have problems using it or want to realize some extra functions, come to this section to have a look. Except for the changes mentioned below, just try to keep the defaults as much as possible.For more setup details pleaseView the official TP documentation, , ,

"Disable dynamic translation" It is recommended to check the box to enableThis can improve page performance and speed while reducing server pressure. If you can't translate some text on the front-end, uncheck the box to see if it's working again.

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Excluding certain pages and content from being automatically translated ↓

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"Other options" inner "Automatic Translation Memory" The feature is recommended to be turned off, it may cause the translation of multilingual content not to be updated automatically after modifying a very small amount of content.

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This is the end of the "TranslatePress Settings Tutorial". If you need to manually translate or manually correct the translation results please see the tutorial below.


automatic translation

Go to Automatic Translation section, select "Yes" for "Enable Automatic Translation", select translation engine for "Alternative Engines", only select "Google Translate v2" or "DeepL". The first "TranslatePress AI" requires an additionalPurchase of official translation servicesOnly then can you use it, it's expensive, don't pick it!

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The following picture is the interface after selecting "Google Translate v2" ↓, enter the translation api, tap "Save Changes".

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The following figure is the interface after selecting "DeepL" ↓, select the api type and input the translation api, tap "Save Changes".

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With regard to automatic translation: each character is translated only once.The same content is translated only once, and the translation resultPermanently stored in a database. One Chinese character = 2 characters, one English letter = 1 character (e.g. apple word counts as 5 characters), invisible characters such as spaces, tabs, line breaks, etc. are also counted as characters. 500,000 characters ≈ 200,000 Chinese characters.

DeepL is relatively simple and easy to use, the translation accuracy is a little higher, the cost is very low, mainland China can be linked to use, the disadvantage is that the supported languages are few, does not support Traditional Chinese, etc..

Google Translate has trouble signing up and requires a credit card and there is no way to control the amount of money spent.Because it is blocked by mainland China, it cannot be used by mainland China websitesThe only good thing about it is that it supports a very wide range of languages. Now the first 3 months are free for new accounts (the offer may change at any time, please check), and after 3 months you will be charged for exceeding the free amount.

Note: Try not to enable the "auto-translate slug/URL" feature, it is incompatible with some plugins that shorten/change page URLs, which can cause multilingual pages to fail.

If you set more than 4 languages, the number of words in the article is easy to exceed the translation quota, toNote the remaining amount of free translation characters.


DeepL automatic translation

If the server is in mainland China, only DeepL translation can be selected (Google is blocked), fill in DeepL free API Key (Pro Key is also OK) point to save the site will automatically start translation, after 2-3 minutes to go to the front desk to switch to other languages can see the page content has been translated. If the weight of your site itself is good, after 10 minutes or so, the multi-language version will be indexed by the search engine, and can be searched through the URL.

Note: DeepL translations are only supported26 languagesThe Arabic language is not supported,Traditional Chinese (谷歌翻译支持)等。DeepL free API Key每个月前50万个字符免费(大约25万个汉字),超额停止翻译不会扣钱,下个月自动恢复额度自动开始继续翻译。

DeepL free API Key canFree registration with a foreign credit card,也可以去淘宝买 。注意:DeepL free API现在风控变严格,有封号风险,不过我们买了几个用了几年没被封号。购买前问清楚商家质保期,一般质保30-60天,期间失效会补新key。


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If you can't register free API Key, the website content is also much recommended Taobao to buy a month Pro API Key (unlimited translation words) to translate the entire website. Then switch to the following tutorials Yandex translation tutorials to manually translate the new content (not much new content, not much language translation is also quite fast).

Ask customer service before you shoot! Make it clear that you want to buy Deepl api free account, directly send the account password to your own login, view api kind of account. Have money to buy Pro API is also OK.

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Using the DeepL translation API sometimes results in the Languages without formality error shown below, indicating that certain languages are not supported (this issue does not occur with the Google Translate API). It means that these languages are not supported by DeepL translationformal/informal functionsThis function sets whether the translated language is more colloquial or more formal.

Click "recheck supported languages" to detect the general prompt will disappear, if the prompt does not disappear, just ignore it. If you really want to eliminate this prompt, and the server is in foreign countries, it is recommended to use Google Translate API instead.

WeAsked the official customer serviceThe languages without formality does not affect the automatic translation, it is irrelevant, as long as all the languages in the general settings to keep the default selection "Default" on the line.

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Google Auto Translate

If the web server is abroad, you can use Google Translate, which supports more than 80 languages, click intoFree Google Translate API Registration Tutorial. Google Translate is free for the first 500,000 characters per month, and charges $20 per million characters after that, clickView billing rates. The first 3 months are free for new registrants, so feel free to toss in the towel.

Google translation api registration is very troublesome, need to bind the settlement account (so that more than the amount can be deducted). After opening Google Translate API must set up a HTTP referrer as well as quota and consumption threshold reminders to keep track of consumption to avoid being charged a large amount. Diamo recommends that newcomers use DeepL API Free is more convenient.

If the API is correct after saving, the green flag in the red box below will be displayed. If the API error is prompted, click "Test API Credentials" to see what is wrong with the API and then correct it yourself.

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Blocking crawlers.On-demand settings, the crawler will trigger automatic translation if not enabled, which helps to speed up the translation of other languages.

Other settings according to the picture. If you use Rank Math, Yoast and other plugins to remove the URL prefix/base from the Woocommerce product listings and details pages, be sure not to check Automatically Translate Slugs! Otherwise, the list page and product details page will not open. For specific reasons, please move to the following "Common problems and solutions".

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Yandex automatic translation

In addition to using the API for automatic translation, you can also install the freeAutomatic Translate Addon For TranslatePressAuxiliary plug-in implementationSemi-automaticTranslation. This plugin will be available in the TranslatePressManual translationAn automatic translation button has been added to the interface, which can be used after clickingYandexAutomatically translates the current page so that there is no need to translate each entry manually, which is very convenient.

Note: This plug-in will not translate fully automatically, you must go into the manual translation interface and click the automatic translation button to translate the entire page automatically. Each page and each language needs to be translated in this way, remember to save it first after each translation.

If you can't get Google and DeepL automatic translation API, using this plugin semi-automatic translation is also a good choice. It doesn't take much time if there are not many website pages.



How to manually translate/correct translations

The translation of professional terms, company/brand names, etc. is generally not very accurate, especially for English to Chinese translation. It is recommended to enter the manual translation interface to check the translation results after the automatic translation is completed, and correct the translation of the wrong places.

The length of text varies from language to language, and languages with long words such as French may be typographically incorrect because the content is too long. It is necessary to check the display effect of each language after translation, and manually correct the translation to shorten the content in the wrong language.

Click "Translate Website" at the top of the website to enter the translation interface.

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Enter the translation page and click on the content to be translated, the translation interface will pop up on the left, directly modify the translation and click on save. (Click the picture below to enlarge for clarity)



If you want to translate Seo title, meta description and so on, directly click the red "Select the string to be translated...". If you want to translate seo title, meta description and so on, just click the red "Select string to translate...", it will popup window to translate the content, manually click to select title, seo description and so on. Then input/update the translation result. Under "Meta Information" is SEO title, description and so on.

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Enter the desired translation result in the Other languages box and tap "Save translation" to save it.

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Click on "String Translation" (String... in English). Go toWebsite translationInterface. As mentioned above, if you remove the URL prefix /base from the product list page and the detail page, you cannot translate the URL, otherwise the page will not open and display 404.

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If you have not modified the URL structure and want to translate/modify the URL translation result manually, refer to the following figure. Tap 1 to select the content to be translated, tap 2 to "edit" the translation content, enter the translation result in 3, and tap 4 to save.

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Common problems & solutions.

For more tutorials and FAQ suggestions check outOfficial DocumentsIf you can't find the answer in the document, go toOfficial ForumFind the answer to the corresponding question, or post a question, customer service will respond within 1-2 days.

1- Product list page, detail page and other pages can not be opened

If you use the romve base (shorten url) function of Rank Math, ProYoast, Permalink Manager and other plugins to change the page url, and TranslatePress has enabled auto-translate url slug, it will result in the display of the corresponding page in other languages to be incorrect.

This is a bug, I contacted TP and Rank Math plugin support and they said it's not compatible. The solution is to disable url auto-translation by unchecking "Settings" > "Auto Translate" > "Automatically Translate Slugs" in TP.

If the product list page/detail page links are not restored to the default language after disabling the translation, it may be because the old translation has been translated before and saved. You need to enter the manual translation page, click "String Translation" or "String Translation" at the bottom left corner, delete the translation results of the product listing page and detail page title in other languages and then click Save. After clearing the cache, refresh the front page and it should be displayed normally.

The impact of not translating Url on SEO is negligible and basically negligible. Chinese website URLs are basically in Pinyin or English, and many English website images or page URLs are named with numbers or letters, which basically do not affect SEO.

Update April 10, 2022: The new version of Rank Math is compatible with WPML's auto-translation url slug feature, which is still not TP compatible, but sees a bit of light. I've sent this issue back to Rank Math and they replied that they are already fixing it.

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2- Automatic translation does not work, slow translation

After entering the api in "auto-translation", the translation will usually start automatically immediately, and the number of characters translated today will be shown there. If some languages are still not translated after several hours, it is because the website is not visited and no translation is triggered.

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I asked the official customer support and the picture below is Alex's response. Simply put, someone needs to visit the front-end multilingual page to trigger the automatic translation, for example, when a visitor visits the German version of the home page of your website, the backend will start to automatically translate the home page into German. If no one has been visiting the German version of the homepage, the homepage will not be automatically translated into German.

If your site is slow to translate, you can turn on your browser incognito mode and visit a few pages in each of the multiple languages on the front end to trigger automatic translation.

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If the number of characters translated today keeps showing 0, there may be problems with the API (such as exceeding the translation quota) or with the website, so check it out yourself.


Let's share a case study: a customer feedback that the automatic translation suddenly failed. We have used TP Translator plugin deeply in several sites without any problem, the first feeling is that there is something wrong with his translation key.

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Go to TP Translator plugin Settings>Automatic Translation, click that test button under Key, and found that it is a problem with Google Translate key.

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3- TipsLanguages without formality

We are on topDeepL automatic translationThis problem is explained in the settings, and the prompt appears because some of the translated languages do not support DeppL translationformal/informal functions (Google Translate API doesn't have this problem). These hints do not affect the automatic translation function, only whether the translation result is on the colloquial or written side.

Clicking on the "Recheck supported languages" test usually makes the prompt disappear, but if the prompt doesn't disappear, it's okay to ignore it. WeAsked the official customer serviceThis feature does not affect the automatic translation, it is irrelevant, as long as all the languages in the general settings to keep the default selection "Default" on the ↓. If you mind, use Google Translate API instead (only available on servers outside the mainland).

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One user gave feedback that his site was prompted with the Languages without formality issue ↓, but it still translated automatically, but the translation was slow (the site needed visitors to visit the corresponding multilingual page to trigger the translation). We have a client's website with Japanese language also prompting this error, also able to automatically translate.

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4- Website default language cannot be changed (fixed)

Before TranslatePress added a new "Preferred User Language" feature, which will cause "Site Language" to follow "User Language" and cannot be changed. Chinese sites are not affected, English sites are affected.

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User language↓

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Resulting in site language ↓ cannot be changed

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Follow-up: We contacted the official team for feedback on this bug, and they have fixed the issue in version 2.4.3.

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5- Elementor editing page prompts 404 or keeps flashing

If automatic user language detection is enabledandUsing the auto-jump ↓ below and your language is different from the editor language will cause the Elementor editor page to automatically jump to the corresponding language version. However, the Elementor editor interface has only one language and cannot be adjusted, so it keeps jumping (shrinking) or prompting that it cannot be opened.

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Just temporarily switch to the pop-up window below asking if you want to jump, and then just choose the default language of the site. Or just turn off the automatic user language detection feature.

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2023.03.27: We have sent this bug back to TranslatePress team and hope to fix it as soon as possible.


6- Translation button is not displayed

A customer bought the plugin feedback top translation button ↓ does not show, the first time we encountered this problem, we are exceptionally excited. This plug-in function has been very stable, the first feeling is a plug-in conflict or something.

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Enter the customer's background and found that the Gtranslate translation plug-in is installed at the same time, and the button is displayed normally after directly deleting Gtranslate (disabled no, have to delete). However, I can not save the plugin settings, prompting the following figure ↓ error.

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It was found to be caused by Wordfence firewall interception, and the problem was solved by enabling learning mode, which allows you to save the TranslatePress plugin settings.

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7- Misplaced page layout in translated languages

Different languages have different lengths of the same word, for example, French words are longer than English, and the interface layout may be wrong after switching from English to French.

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The top ↑ is the English header, the bottom ↓ is the French header, the navigation is too long into 2 lines.

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Solution: Try to delete the content that can be removed to make the page more concise. If you can't delete it, change to a shorter translation, for example, the English INQUIRY button on the right side of the blue button above is too long after translation into French, we can use Google Translate to translate INQUIRY into enquête, which greatly reduces the length.

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Go to the manual translation screen of the website, change the corresponding French translation to enquête and click Save.

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Then turn Contact Us into Contact to shorten the length after translation into French, the French header ↓ display returns to normal.

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8- Modify translation content

Automatic translation is really full of errors, must check the translation of each page, at least check the company name, product name and so on have no translation errors. One customer had high requirements for translation, checking every word in every language and giving us a summary to revise. Share the experience of revising the translation.

Use the top button Pasted 211 Enter the translation interface, sometimes the network may be bad card, the top has been spinning circles, you need to wait a few seconds before you can select the content translation. If you wait or not try to close the page and reopen the translation interface.

Website page browser tag display SEO title Pasted 212 If you can't find it, enter meta in the translation string box to find it. If you can not find, or many pages need to be changed in bulk, you can use the database tool search replacement toolBetter Search ReplaceReplacements that are fast and good.

Note: Replace the database content to backup the database first to avoid errors. When replacing, mainly do not replace the URL, login username and other important content contains text words, etc., otherwise it will damage the site.

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Note: Only tables that contain the beginning of _trp_ will hold translation result data, check all tables that contain the beginning of _trp_.

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Remember to check the "Run as dry run", the replacement does not take effect, just to see if the replacement can be successful or so.

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If the test can be replaced successfully, uncheck the following figure "Run as dry run", click "Run search/replace" to start the official replacement of the content.

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The following content will be displayed at the top of the successful replacement.

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9- How to display language-based content using TranslatePress conditional short codes

The option to display content based on language is available in the Elementor widget advanced options (below).

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If the page content is not created by Elementor, you can use conditional shortcodes to control the content to be displayed only in certain languages. For example, the following text content and image will only be shown in English versions, and will not be displayed in non-English versions such as Chinese.

This content is only displayed on the English version page, hidden on the Chinese language page 


For more details about the use of conditional code, please asynchronous official tutorialsLanguage-based Conditional Short Codes.

Extension: If you want to modify the page layout in some languages separately, you can add CSS and use the above 2 methods to set the CSS code to be displayed only in some languages. For example, if you want to change the default right-to-left layout of the Arabic page content, you can add code to the Arabic page control if you want to change the content of some sections to be left-aligned.


10- Exclude certain content from being translated

Check the official methodThis article, which is very detailed. If some content is already translated, for example, say inquiry/form notification emails, you need to manually remove the translation by clickingView specific methods.

If you don't want some pages to be translated in multiple languages, just fill in the corresponding page URLs in "Settings" > "Exclude strings" > "Don't translate certain paths" and click Save. One line one URL, pay attention to the URL formatting.

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If you want to exclude some of them from being translated, enter the classname of the container (div/p/span and so on) where the corresponding content is located and click "Add", then click "Save Changes".

11- List pages and such are not automatically translated


It is also possible to manually edit the code to add to the property data-no-translation To exclude being translated, clickView Details. You can also enter a URL path to exclude the entire page from being translated↓.

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12- Cracked version prompts invalid serial number

If you are using a cracked version, the background will prompt the following content. All functions work normally and have no effect. If you want to remove these 2 annoying prompts, just add 2 pieces of code.Click for details.

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13- How to Translate WooCommerce Emails

Plugins such as Woocommerce have many email templates that automatically send emails when a customer registers and makes a purchase. For multi-language e-commerce sites, you need to translate the email templates. ClickView the official tutorial.


14- Non-login multilingual SEO Title and SEO Description are shown as original text.

A user reported that after manually translating the SEO Title and SEO Description of a multilingual page, the translated SEO Title and SEO Description are displayed normally on the multilingual page in logged-in state, but the multilingual SEO Title and SEO Description are displayed in the original language in non-logged-in state (Guest Mode) (Untranslated state). However, the multilingual SEO Title and SEO Description are displayed in the original language (untranslated) in non-login (guest mode).

In the end it turned out to be that he used the Asset CleanUp plugin to disable the TranslatePress code for the non-logged-in state, which led to abnormal functionality, so just un-disable it.

Tips: He is using SiteGround server, at first disabling other plugins to clear cache didn't restore normal, and tried several times before it works. If you are using SG server, you'd better enter SG server admin panel to clean all caches manually or disable caches temporarily when debugging.


15- How to use subdomains in multilingual versions

This translation plugin multilingual cannot be used in subdomain form (, only in subdirectory form ( The subdirectory form of multilingual can benefit from the weight of the root domain, better SEO than a subdomain, and is easy to manage and fast. To use sub-domain form you need to change to SMPL and other multilingual plug-ins, but SMPL and other plug-ins are too bloated, slow and not good.


16- Website slowdown after using a plugin

There was a feedback from a user that after using TranslatePress, the site slowed down. I was shocked when I saw 30 languages. Usually, you can choose 3-5 languages, and any more than that won't be a waste of resources with the number of visitors.


In fact, the plugin itself will not be stuck, we have not found this problem in the depth of use in a number of sites. More languages will not lead to card, according to theory, are pre-translated and saved in the database, access to directly retrieve. Later on, we realized that it's a cache thing. Each language will generate a separate cache, especially after updating the content of the site, to regenerate the cache of 31 languages, can not be stuck.


Pre-cache or re-generate cache is very eat server resources, the more languages you need to generate cache and pre-cache the more pages, the more the server is stuck, for the low configuration server is not affordable.Fastest Cache pre-cache the number of pages at a time up to 12, Wp Rocket can go up to more than 40, depending on the settings and server performance.

The way to solve the speed card is to minimize the number of multi-language, it is recommended to keep 3-5 kinds, if possible, pre-cache settings do not pre-cache some unimportant pages. At the same time, you should also use better performance caching plug-ins, such asWp Rocket, you can accurately generate and control caches and pre-caches.


17- Unable to click the Save Changes button on the Multi-language Add screen.

In some websites, the "Save Changes" button in the image below is not clickable, and a look at the source code reveals that there is a transparent panel covering the button.It's a conflict between your website plugin or browser pluginIf you can't, disable all other plug-ins except the translation plug-in and try again.

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18- List pages and such are not automatically translated

A user feedback that the home page can be automatically translated, but the list page can not be automatically translated, using the browser to visit the front-end of the corresponding language page to trigger the translation does not work. The reason ispseudostaticThere was a problem with the setup, his URL had an index.php suffix. Adjusted pseudo-static and back to normal.

Shared hosting or managed VPS hosts will have pseudo-static pre-set, no need to deal with it. Pagoda panel can also add pseudo-static with one click, and everything works fine. Usually it's the player's handwritten pseudo-static that causes this problem.



19- trp-ajax.php, skip_machine_translation error

Administrator front-end access to the site prompted the following content, WordFence firewall also prompted to access the corresponding URL was determined as XSS attacks, was intercepted, Pagoda Firewall monitoring reports can also see the corresponding interception records. In fact, it is misreported that the database link executed by TranslatePress plugin is misjudged as XSS attack.View Details.


There are 2 solutions:

1- In WordFence "real-time traffic" board to find the corresponding blocking records in the following figure, click "Add Param to Firewall Allowlist" to add a whitelist, if the server and the CDN firewall have If the server and CDN firewall have blocked the traffic, you should also add the whitelist;

2- InstallationThe plugin in this postThis is the easiest way to change the way TranslatePress operates, and it's the easiest way to do it for beginner users.

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20- Failed to update database or migrate URL

After upgrading the old version to 1.49, the top of the backend boosts to update the database or something like that. After clicking on update, it keeps updating and prompts for failure after a long time.

This is because the update uses the/wp-content/plugins/translatepress-multilingual/includes/trp-ajax.php This php file is easy to be intercepted by WordFence and other firewalls. For example, the following picture shows the result of CF firewall blocking.

trp-ajax.php will be used a lot of times, add trp-ajax.php to the firewall whitelist and retry.

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19- After translation from Chinese to English, some English translations are missing spaces.

Chinese to English translation, the space in front of these English translations with styles will be lost: Bold, Hyperlink, Slash, Marker, etc., and manually adding spaces does not take effect. Xiaodipost (an item on a forum)Asked official customer service, the solution is to translate the whole paragraph together, not separately.

Just click on any paragraph inside the paragraph translation, and then click on the left side of the square inside the up arrow can realize the whole paragraph together translation, click on theView detailed instructions. The disadvantage is that the text style (bold, italic, etc.) and hyperlinks will be lost. You need to manually fill in the style code in Chinese as shown below.

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If it's too much trouble, the best way is to try not to add italics, bold, hyperlinks and other styles to the Chinese text, which will not have this problem when translated into English.


22- The automatic translation function is automatically turned off.

A customer is using Cloudways server, and after upgrading it prompts the error below, and auto-translation will automatically shut down every day.

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Go to "Settings" > "Advanced" > "Debugging" and click on the red box "Here" as shown below.

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There is an explanation of the possible reasons why automatic translation is turned off, as well as the solution, just follow the instructions.

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The error details are shown at the bottom, for example, the following picture is because a database table is missing. This is usually due to database permission problems, resulting in failure to write/create data. If you can't solve the problem by the above method, please contact the server's customer service to solve the problem.

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23- Some content in multiple languages does not automatically update translations.

Diamo often uploads updated GPL plugin versions, and the version numbers of product titles are updated manually (only the version number is updated), but we found that the version numbers of some product titles in the English version do not follow the automatic update.

Xiaodi fed back this problem to TP customer service, and the other party said it was a cache problem, but I refreshed the cache and replaced the cache plugin, and the problem remained. Later, I realized that it was a problem with the "Auto Translation Memory" function.

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Xiaodi manually changed the translation of the corresponding title, plus enabled the "Auto Translation Memory" in the picture below, maybe because of this, the translation will not be updated automatically if you only update the version number of the multi-language. After disabling the "Auto Translation Memory" function, it is back to normal.

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24- Loss of content and display errors on individual pages (e.g. home page) in some multilingual languages

A user feedback that his website's Arabic translation page home page content is lost, the page becomes narrow (max-width:700px), other pages display normally. Finally found that Astra's UAE plug-in is the cause, disable it to restore normal.

The TP Translate plugin doesn't cause this issue, it doesn't change the page layout or anything like that. If you're experiencing similar issues, please troubleshoot by disabling other plugins one by one.

Comments :

17 thoughts on “TranslatePress设置使用教程, 含插件下载, 自动翻译API注册, 手动翻译”

  1. 柚子的头像
    pomelo (Citrus maxima or C. grandis)

    Hello, please use Automatic Translate Addon to translate some languages manually. How should I translate the title and meta description of the page. The languages translated through the API have these 2 parts (title and meta description) translated, both in English and in the translated language.
    But pages and languages translated manually using Automatic Translate Addon, checking the title and meta description of the source code page are not translated. It is still in English.

    1. In the "How to manually translate/correct translations" section, there are ways to translate Seo titles, meta descriptions, and so on, in the "Meta Information" section.

  2. After setting up English and German, how to choose German in the home page of the website automatically added /de_de/ after the domain name, resulting in this page directly 404 can not open ah!

    1. Multi-language is the language short code will be added after the URL to distinguish between the main language URL, the page can not open and this does not matter, the specific problem to log in the background to see. If you buy this plugin, contact WeChat customer service to help you deal with.

  3. James James的头像
    James. James.

    I found a weird phenomenon: the web page is in English, and I set up multilingual content (including title and description) for the page in Spanish and French through TranslatePress. Browsing the multilingual content on a logged in wordpress administrator account works fine. However, when I open a page in another language in another browser, the title and description of the page are still in English, but the rest of the page content is displayed normally (in Spanish or French).

    1. The problem may not have triggered the translation, after a period of time to see. You can also enter the manual translation interface to manually translate the title and description. if the problem can't be solved, take a screenshot of the purchase record in the personal center and send it to WeChat customer service, so that customer service can help you deal with it.

  4. Hello! Please, after I have set up the translation software, I click on the pages to translate them, but they all go wrong. For example the es page comes up: Ha habido un error crítico en esta web. Aprende más sobre el diagnóstico de WordPress.This site has a serious error. Learn more about WordPress diagnostics. Can you please tell me where this is set up wrong? Muchas gracias!

    1. Is it an error getting to the manual translation screen or something? Disable other plugins one by one and refresh to see if the problem is solved.

      1. Either the interface is translated manually or the software does it automatically. Then I'll try disabling the plugin

  5. Hello, how can I set the menu language bar so that the selected language shows the abbreviation of this language in the menu? Thanks!

    1. Go to the plugin's general settings, under "Language switching" > "Menu items" select "Logo + language abbreviation".

      1. Thanks for the reply! I was asking, for example, if I select es language, how do I get the menu bar of the homepage header to show es. what I have now is that the menu of the homepage header shows en no matter which language is selected. thanks!

  6. TranslatePress use is stuck in the string here can not translate progress, re-check the supported languages This button reset many times but still does not work.


The email address will be invisible, To put URL pls remove "https://" and "www".

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