LatestRank Math Pro Download(The actual download after purchase is a better Business version), the most powerful and fastest WordPress SEO plugin. Rank Math is rated as the best WordPress SEO plugin in most Facebook polls. Its features are very comprehensive and powerful, a plug-in effect can top 3 plug-ins.
This site and we build all the foreign trade 2B/2C independent station are using Rank Math Pro plug-in optimization SEO, it also applies to domestic Chinese sites, more applicable to foreign English / foreign trade sites.
It is also the fastest SEO plugin. The following chart lists the comparison between Rank Math and Yoast, SEOPress and AIO SEO plugins. Rank Math is much smaller than the other 3 plugins in terms of code size, plugin size, memory consumption and impact on speed.
You can link Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics account, directly in the background of the site to view the keyword ranking and indexing, very convenient and practical! Self-contained api inclusion function, can let Google fast, full inclusion of website pages.
Page updates will automatically notify Google to include the latest page, one-click to set page index, noindex, nofollow and other status. Upload products/articles will have SEO score and optimization suggestions, popular keywords recommendation, etc.
Rank Math SEO PRO plugin main features.
- Advanced Google Analytics Integration
- Keyword Rank Tracker
- Tracking Keywords
- Pattern Generator
- SEO Performance Email Report
- Import architecture from any website
- Google Trends Integration
- Google video, image search engine optimization sitemap
- WooCommerce SEO Professional Edition
- Complete EDD SEO
- Advanced post-filtering
- 18 predefined pattern types
- 6 additional mode types
- Automatic video detection for video mode
- Advanced Content SEO Overview
- Using Google Authentication Framework
- Custom Architecture Builder
- Add unlimited number of architectures
- Supports more than 840 architecture types
- Automated Architecture Implementation
- Dataset Architecture
- Fact-checking structure
- Rotation Chart
- Google/Being API quick inclusion
- Popular keyword recommendations when filling in keywords
- bbPress' automated Q&A mode
- Advanced Redirection Module
- Advanced Local SEO Block
- Social media images with watermarks
- Advanced batch editing options
- Full import/export options
- Complete Elementor Integration
- Elementor-specific breadcrumb widgets
- Complete Divi Integration
- Import/Export focus keywords
- Import SEO data, redirect data via CSV file
- Advanced Quick Edit Options
- Detecting isolated pages
- Automatic video data filling for video mode
- Track the PageSpeed of each post and page
- Track the SEO performance of individual posts
- Synchronous redirection to .htaccess
- Noindex password protection page
- Exporting 404 logs
- Advanced HowTo Architecture
- Mark hidden links as external links
- Find and replace images alt/title/caption text
- Automated image captions
- SEO content AI intelligent analysis suggestions
- Other
Click to see a detailed comparison of Rank Math and Yoast, SEOPress, AIO SEO plugins. Some people prefer Yoast plug-in, so we also shelves for everyone to download, click to downloadYoast Seo Premium Plugin.
Rank Math adds some extra features that Yoast SEO Premium doesn't even include, such as automatic image alt attributes, more advanced schema markup, better analytics, 404 detection, url redirects, locally hosted Google Analytics code, quick links to Google accounts, etc. Many users switch from Yoast to Rank Math.
Below is a screenshot of a well-known foreign blogger's post:
What is a GPL licensed plugin
This plugin is a GPL licensed product and is safe and legal. Click to learn what isGPL AgreementClick to learnWordPress official website about GPL. Simply put using the GPL license plugin/theme source code open source sharing, can be legally free to change, use, distribution.
The company that owns the plugin/theme mentioned in the title of this item is not affiliated with us in any way, and the company has not licensed its products or brands to us. This product is a distribution of the plugin/theme mentioned in the title, created by a third party company/developer and redistributed by us under the terms of the General Public License (GPL).
We use the plugin/theme name for the sole purpose of identifying the plugin/theme on which this product is based, with the intention of helping users better understand the functionality and possible application scenarios of our product, and in no way to impersonate or mislead. This product is sold under and respects the terms of the GPL license agreement and ensures that users are aware that they are acquiring a distribution of the plugin/theme based on an open source license. They are allowed to view, modify and redistribute the software to promote its free use and development.
Verified by Security Antivirus
Directly from foreign formal channels to buy, do not modify the source code. All plug-ins we use to build their own sites, used in a number of sites, safe, stable and reliable.Are you worried that the plugin is not secure? Check this articel:Is WordPress Cracked Plugins/Themes (Green, GPL, Nulled) Safe?.
- ByVirustotal Antivirus Verification;.
- ByWordfenceSource code review.
- BySucuriSecurity antivirus scan.
Rank Math update method/record
General new version out within 24 hours of this site will be updated, then please visit this page directly to download the new version of the installation package upload update, the product title will be written on the latest version number. Can only be updated by uploading the installation package, mind not to shoot, if you want to update online please support the original version to go to the official website of the plug-in to buy.
Note: Rank Math Pro will not alert you when there is a new version in the background, every time there is a new version of the free version, a new version of the Pro version will come out as well.So whenever there is a new version of the free version, please come to this page after 1-2 days to download the new version of Pro installer to upgrade!.
Click to view the update history of this plugin (Changelog)
Rank Math Pro Download Purchase Terms
This site plug-in purchased from foreign sites, the purchase price is4.99 USD/pcThe price is 2 years. Diamo unified selling price of 19 yuan / a, spent a lot of effort to produce the use of tutorials also provide manual Q&A service, absolutely value for money.
Plug-in for learning and research purposes only, virtual products are reproducible, once sold no refund, please move to the detailsTerms of Service. Please login first before purchasing, refresh the page to get Rank Math Pro download permission after purchase.
Diamo for the purchase of users to provide after-sales service, plug-in use any questions please leave a message in the comments below, there will be answers to questions.
Installation / Activation Method
Install and activate the base version first, clickDownload Basic VersionThen install and activate the installation package that you purchased and downloaded from this site.
If you want to install the Chinese Chinese package, unzip the downloaded Chinese package .zip, upload the 2 .mo Chinese package files inside directly to wp-content/languages/plugins directory, and refresh the page.
Note: If you enable the function of removing woocommerce product URL prefix, every time you update Rank math plugin, you need to enter Rank Math plugin settings and click "Save Changes" button directly. Otherwise the product listing page may show 404.
Installation method 1: Upload and install
Find and click on "Plugins" > "Install Plugins" in the left menu bar of the website background, then click on "Upload Plugin" in the upper left corner, upload the downloaded zip installation package and click on "Install Now", after installation, click"Enable Plugin"Complete the installation.
Installation method 2.FTP installation
Unzip the plug-in package, put the unzippedFoldersUpload it to the plugins directory (
Find and click on "Plugins" > "Installed Plugins" in the left menu bar of the website background, find the plugin in the list of plugins, and click "Enable".
Rank Math Setup Tutorial
The tutorial for setting up Rank Math is too long, so it's in a separate articleThe super detailed SEO plugin Rank Math setup tutorial, including the keyword 100 points filling guide.
Common Problems & Solutions
Tip: Link to Rank Math not working
If after installing/updating the plugin, the top of the backend suggests that the link with Rank Math is not working, and prompts to re-link (as shown in the picture below ↓Analytics right lit up in red).●), because the installed version of rank math is not the same as the old version of your site (e.g. the old version is Pro, now the installed one is Agency).
Just relink your Rank math account, it takes a few seconds, see point 2 below for details.
The version now installed is shown at the top of the plugin settings screen↓.
Prompt requires activation
If the site prompts the content of the following picture please ignore, does not affect the normal use of the plugin.
If you want to remove the prompt, you need to link your Rank math account and add a bit of code first, follow the steps below.
Click in the following order to enter the binding interface.
Select the account link. If you don't have a Google account, click Register Now to register a free Rank Math account and click the yellow button "USE EMAIL & PASSWORD" to link your Rank Math account. Linking an account is an official requirement of the plugin, and only after linking can you use SEO Analysis and other features.
Then put the following code into the (child) theme's functions.php: Appearance > Theme Editor, select (child) theme in the upper right corner, click to open the functions.php file, add the following code at the end of the document and click Save Changes.
Disable SEO scoring program
SEO scoring will be done after entering keywords on page, product, article and other editing pages. Some scoring items are not very practical, so you can add the following code to disable the corresponding scoring items and improve your score.
If it isChinese websiteAdd the following code to "Appearance" > Theme File Editor > select child theme in the upper right corner > click "functions.php" on the right to edit the file, copy all the code below and paste it into functions.php Click Save at the bottom of the file.
//禁用Rank Math一些SEO评分项目
add_filter('rank_math/researches/tests', function ($tests, $type) {
return $tests;
}, 10, 2);
Some of the above disabled scoring items are not quite applicable to Chinese, and some are not compatible with Chinese, so it is better to disable them. If you don't want to disable some of the above items, put the correspondingWhole lineJust delete the code.
If it is an English website, mainly for Google SEO, add the following code to "Appearance" > Theme File Editor > select the child theme in the upper right corner > click "functions.php" on the right side to edit the file, copy all the code below, and paste it into the bottom of the functions.php file. Paste it to the bottom of the functions.php file and click save.
To add more disabled hooks remember to add the penultimate hook after the , Symbol.
//禁用Rank Math一些SEO评分项目
add_filter('rank_math/researches/tests', function ($tests, $type) {
return $tests;
}, 10, 2);
For a list of Rank Math's other rating item hooks, and more hooks or ways to disable them, clickView Details.
contentHasTOC | keywordInContent | linksHasInternal |
contentHasShortParagraphs | keywordInSubheadings | linksHasExternals |
contentHasAssets | keywordInImageAlt | linksNotAllExternals |
keywordInTitle | keywordDensity | titleStartWithKeyword |
keywordInMetaDescription | keywordNotUsed | titleSentiment |
keywordInPermalink | lengthContent | titleHasPowerWords |
keywordIn10Percent | lengthPermalink | titleHasNumber |
isReviewEnabled |
After disabling the SEO scoring items, do the following to clear the Rank Math transient and recalculate the SEO score. Go to "Status&Tools" and
Click "Remove Rank Math Transients".
Click on "Update SEO Scores".
Product detail page and list page won't open after updating the plugin
4- If after updating the plugin, the product list page or product detail page cannot be opened, prompting 404 or automatically jumping to other product pages. It may be because Rank Math's Remove URL Prefixes feature is enabled.
To solve the URL can not open method: 1- First go to "Settings" > "Fixed Links", directly click "Save Changes" (no need to change the settings).
Then go to "Rank Math" > "General Setting", and click "Save Changes" at the bottom (no need to change settings). ). After clearing the cache of plug-ins and browser cache, refresh the page should be back to normal. If you still can not prove that conflicts with other plug-ins, disable other plug-ins one by one until the problem is solved.
Fill in keywords in the product upload interface, and the keywords disappear after saving.
Product upload interface fill in the keywords, after saving the keywords disappeared, it is Wordfence and other firewalls blocking lead to.There are 3 ways to solve this problem:
Method 1)(Recommended) : Go to Wordfence > Real-time Traffic Board > Find the interception records similar to the following picture (red circle, the beginning of the interception path is /wp-json/rankmath/v1/...) and tap on it.
Without "real-time traffic"menu, first enter the "Tools" ↓, check the "Show real-time traffic menu options".
Find the blocking record of "/wp-json/rankmath/v1/updateMet...", click it, and then click "Add Param to Firewall Allowlist" button in the following picture. Then click the "Add Param to Firewall Allowlist" button in the figure below, it will be automatically added to the firewall whitelist and will not be blocked anymore.
Method 2): Manually add the appropriate content to the firewall whitelist. First, click into the "All Options" section under the Wordfence menu.
Search for the "Allowlisted URLs" content settings section and click on it. In the "Add Allowlisted URL/Param" field, fill in "/wp-json/rankmath/v1/updateMeta", and then select Param Type: POST Body", fill in "request.path" in the "Parameter Name" field, and click the "Add" button. "Add" button.
2): Go to Wordfence > Firewall > Manage WAF > Change "Web Application Firewall Status" to "Learning Mode" and check "Auto Start" time. Keep the default or change it to 1 day later. Tap "Save Changes" in the upper right corner. If it is another firewall, check the blocking record, add whitelist and so on to release the blocking.
(3): In the product list page, find the corresponding product, click "Quick Edit", fill in the keywords directly in the keyword column and click "Update", you can also insert keywords.
No Google links, no Indexnow.
Many domestic web servers do not link to Google, so Google Analytics and Indexnow fast push function can not be used. The link will prompt failure or abnormal function, you need to disable the corresponding function. Especially Indexnow function, the domestic server to enable may lead to the inability to edit and save the file/page and other errors, must be closed.
FTP upload and unzip installation plugin failed
To install the plugin, one way is to upload the downloaded zip to the plugins directory (, unzip it out, find the appropriate plugin on the plugin list page in the website backend, and tap to activate it.
Some users feedback that after uploading and unzipping, there is no Rank Math Pro plugin in the backend plugin list page of the website. After checking, we found that there are 2 PHP files missing from the first directory of the unzipped folder, which are blocked/deleted by the server's firewall.
After manually uploading those 2 PHP files, enabling the plugin prompts "Cannot enable the plugin because it caused a fatal error (fatal error)", it should be the folder other php files are deleted or something like that, or some functions are blocked by the firewall.
The safest way is to turn off the firewall, install Rank Math Pro plugin from scratch, it is best to upload and install the plugin in the backend plugin list page of the website.PS: Don't make the website firewall so complicated, especially Pagoda, a whole lot of problems, non-professionals don't toss the firewall.