Home » GPL Resources » Disable Bloat Download, v3.4.8, GPL, with Chinese localization, cleans up WordPress and Woocommerce bloat
Disable Bloat Download

Disable Bloat Download, v3.4.8, GPL, with Chinese localization, cleans up WordPress and Woocommerce bloat

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Tip: This plug-in is sometimes slow to update, mind do not shoot.

Clean up plug-insDisable BloatDownload, GPL license. Disable Bloat for WordPress & WooCommerce can disable unnecessary WordPress, Woocommerce, block editor code, greatly reduce the amount of code and thus speed up the site.

Disable Bloat can clear all aspects of Woocommerce's redundant code and greatly improve loading speed.

Especially if you use Woocommerce to make a 2B website or do not have the online payment function, you can use this plugin to remove the payment, purchase function code, as well as disable the background of some of the marketing, recommendation type of function. The page is much neater and less bloated.


With Disable Bloat, you will.
Make your admin panel fast and clean by disabling unneeded features
Speed up your WordPress website
Enhance security by turning off unused features
Disable third-party plugin bloat
And there are many more!

Pro version.
Disable WOOCOMMERCE expansion
Disable WooCommerce Admin, which will make your backend heavy. Disable all WooCommerce promotions that appear in different places in the admin panel. Reduce the size of CSS and javascript scripts loaded on the front-end and back-end of your site.

WOOCOMMERCE Administrator
The functionality of WooCommerce Admin continues to be increasingly integrated into the WooCommerce merchant experience. You can effectively disable WooCommerce Admin, analytics, home screens and other features that slow down your admin panel using the following options.

Disable WooCommerce Administrator
Disable marketing center
WooCommerce constantly tries to promote and advertise add-ons by adding nags to your admin panel. Now you can turn them off or hide them at.

Disable WooCommerce.com notifications
Disable WooCommerce marketplace suggestions
Disable the recommended shipping solution metabox
Disable the recommended payment plugin metabox
WOOCOMMERCE back-end script
Accelerate your site by turning off unwanted scripts loaded in the background of the admin panel.

Disable the WooCommerce status meta box
Disable the WooCommerce Dashboard Settings widget
Disable WooCommerce Blocks (Backend) [PRO] Frontend of your store
By default, browsing the store front-end will automatically load a considerable amount of scripts and styles. Use the following options to disable them.

Disable the WooCommerce widget
Disable WooCommerce scripts and styles
Disable WooCommerce shopping cart snippet
Disable WooCommerce Blocks (Frontend) [PRO] Disable Unnecessary Stripe Scripts [PRO]

Optimize WORDPRESS Admin Panel
By default, the WordPress admin panel is littered with pre-installed elements that may distract you from your work. Make the admin panel smooth and clean by removing unnecessary elements.

Clean management interface
If you prefer a simple and flexible interface, use the following options to maximize your performance while navigating the WordPress admin panel. By removing unnecessary elements, you will 100% focus on your tasks.

Hide update notifications for non-admin users
Disable WordPress Dashboard Widget [PRO] Remove WordPress Logo from Admin Bar [PRO] Remove Admin Footer Text [PRO] WORDPRESS login page
In some cases, you may prefer to hide or change the standard WordPress branding on the login page:.

Hide the standard WordPress logo from the login page
Change the logo link on the WordPress login page
Change the logo title parameter on WordPress login pages
Disable WordPress login language switcher
Improve the performance of your website
Get rid of features that slow down your pages that you never use, such as password strength meters. Clean up the HTML header section of your site by removing unneeded scripts. Disable deprecated emoji scripts, as every modern browser supports emoji. Page load times are very important to your visitors. To reduce page load times, try disabling scripts, features and unnecessary queries:.

Speed up your website
Use the settings in this section to reduce the page load time on the front-end of your WordPress site.

Disable password strength meter
Load comment script only when needed
Prevent automatic linking of URLs in comments
Prevent automatic linking of URLs in comments [PRO] Disable Sidebar WordPress Widgets [PRO] Remove WordPress and WooCommerce Meta Builder Tags [PRO] Remove Emoji Styles and Scripts [PRO] Remove Script from Header
Remove unneeded scripts from the header section of the site. The header section is used for all sub-pages and in most cases you do not need to load all default scripts:.

Remove RSS Feed Links [PRO] Disable All RSS Feeds [PRO] Remove Generator Tabs from RSS Feeds [PRO] Remove Links to Windows Live Writer List Files [PRO] Remove RSD Links [PRO] Remove Short Links from HTTP Headers [Pro] Disable unused core WORDPRESS features
By default, WordPress has many powerful features. In fact, you may never use some of them. Disabling them will not only improve performance, but will also provide a higher level of security for your site. Disabling them will prevent attacks and make your WordPress site and administration panel faster.

Improve speed and security by disabling insecure XML-RPC API functionality.

By default, WordPress saves each post revision in your database, which can lead to a very large database. Disable late revisions and get a good night's sleep.

Disable the built-in WordPress file editor to improve site speed and performance.

It's important to keep your website up to date. However, some people prefer to do it manually. In these cases, the built-in update system is not recommended, as it is very resource intensive:.

Disable automatic theme updates
Disable automatic plugin updates
Disable All WordPress Core Updates [PRO] Speed and Security
If you leave certain core WordPress features active, they can lead to database bloat, reduced security, and under-optimized site speed:.

Disable XML-RPC API [PRO] Disable File Editor [PRO] Disable Post-Revision [PRO] Disable Application Passwords [PRO] Disable WordPress Heartbeat API [PRO] Remove Script/Style Versioning Parameters [PRO] Block Editor
Using the block editor while editing posts and browsing your site can significantly slow down your page speed. If you do not use the block editor, you can disable it completely by.

Prohibition of Gutenberg
If you use the Block Editor, you can leave it enabled and disable only some of its features, such as

Automatically Disable Welcome Guide [PRO] Disable WordPress Block Catalog [PRO] Remove default block mode [PRO] Automatically exit full screen mode when editor loads [PRO] Disable template editor [PRO]

For more features, please see the tutorial image below


What is a GPL licensed plugin

This plugin is a GPL licensed product and is safe and legal. Click to learn what isGPL AgreementClick to learnWordPress official website about GPL. Simply put using the GPL license plugin/theme source code open source sharing, can be legally free to change, use, distribution.

The company that owns the plugin/theme mentioned in the title of this item is not affiliated with us in any way, and the company has not licensed its products or brands to us. This product is a distribution of the plugin/theme mentioned in the title, created by a third party company/developer and redistributed by us under the terms of the General Public License (GPL).

We use the plugin/theme name for the sole purpose of identifying the plugin/theme on which this product is based, with the intention of helping users better understand the functionality and possible application scenarios of our product, and in no way to impersonate or mislead. This product is sold under and respects the terms of the GPL license agreement and ensures that users are aware that they are acquiring a distribution of the plugin/theme based on an open source license. They are allowed to view, modify and redistribute the software to promote its free use and development.


Verified by Security Antivirus

Directly from foreign formal channels to buy, do not modify the source code. All plug-ins we use to build their own sites, used in a number of sites, safe, stable and reliable.Are you worried that the plugin is not secure? Check this articel:Is WordPress Cracked Plugins/Themes (Green, GPL, Nulled) Safe?.

  1. ByVirustotal Antivirus Verification;.
  2. ByWordfenceSource code review.
  3. BySucuriSecurity antivirus scan.

Sucuri Scan Results


Disable Bloat update method/record

General new version out within 24 hours of this site will be updated, then please visit this page directly to download the new version of the installation package upload update, the product title will be written on the latest version number. Can only be updated by uploading the installation package, mind not to shoot, if you want to update online please support the original version to go to the official website of the plug-in to buy.

Click to view the update history of this plugin (Changelog).


Disable Bloat Download Terms of Purchase

This site plug-in purchased from foreign sites, the purchase price is4.99 USD/pcThe price is 2 years. Diamo unified selling price of 19 yuan / a, spent a lot of effort to produce the use of tutorials also provide manual Q&A service, absolutely value for money.

Plug-in for learning and research purposes only, virtual products are reproducible, once sold no refund, please move to the detailsTerms of Service. Please log in before purchasing, and refresh the page after purchase to get permission to download the plug-in.

Diamo for the purchase of users to provide after-sales service, plug-in use any questions please leave a message in the comments below, there will be answers to questions.


Installation / Activation Method

Directly upload and install the zip installation package purchased and downloaded from this site, and then enable it after installation. If you want to install the Chinese package, upload the .mo Chinese package file directly to the wp-content/languages/plugins directory and refresh the page.


Installation method 1: Upload and install

Find and click on "Plugins" > "Install Plugins" in the left menu bar of the website background, then click on "Upload Plugin" in the upper left corner, upload the downloaded zip installation package and click on "Install Now", after installation, click"Enable Plugin"Complete the installation.

Upload Plugin

Installation method 2.FTP installation

Unzip the plug-in package, put the unzippedFoldersUpload it to the plugins directory (xxx.com/wp-content/plugins).
Find and click on "Plugins" > "Installed Plugins" in the left menu bar of the website background, find the plugin in the list of plugins, and click "Enable".

Enable Plugin


How to set up the use

Select "Disable Bloat" ↓ to enter the plug-in settings page.

image 35


Each setting plug-ins have detailed explanations, a look to understand, do not understand if Baidu also know what is the meaning of, not much explanation here. Here are some of the more important features and settings, put out so that everyone knows what this plug-in can optimize.

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Author picture

Diamo focus on foreign trade website / cross-border e-commerce independent site construction, Google SEO optimization. Source code delivery, no need to renew.

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