Ultimate Elementor Speed Optimization Tips, Open Pages in Seconds, With Common Problems Solved

Elementor Speed Optimization
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Try not to use third-party Elementor extension plugins

Powerful features and flexibility have also led to Ele being criticized for its bloated code and slowness. Many people use Ele after the site is slow, blame it. In fact, because the site itself is slow, uninstalled Ele site speed will not be much faster. With a little optimization, the speed can be very fast.


Why is Elementor stuck?

Elementor is very powerful with many widgets to achieve various functions and layout, and a variety of settings are very user-friendly. Behind each feature is a stack of code, so Ele adds a lot of code to the front end, and the code depends on each other, making it impossible to disable and delay loading, so it's slow.

实际上Ele页面速度也可以做到非常快!如果你使用Astra Themeand use the matchingPremium Starter TemplatesThe template plugin imports the Elementor template directly, and you will find it fast when you use the Google speed tool to measure the speed. And that's without compressing images, installing caching plugins, and optimizing code.

Said Ele slow most people do not know how to set up and optimize, Ele speed has a very large optimization space, plug-in team is also very concerned about the speed has been to reduce the amount of code to improve loading efficiency. Diamo build all the sites unified use Ele, after optimization Google speed score can do 100 points, computer loading time within 1 second, cell phone within 2 seconds.


Elementor Benefits

The main advantages of Elementor are that it is efficient, beautiful, powerful and easy to use. There are many widgets to implement various functions and layouts to make stylish and beautiful websites. It is also very convenient and efficient as you can export, copy and paste content and templates to other websites. These areGutenbergand other fast page builders say it can't be matched.


Besides, Elementor is actually very speed-conscious and has been improving speed. For example, changing all icons to SVG icons and only loading the corresponding code on pages that use certain widgets.

Elementor 3.1 manages to reduce the target JS file size by 168kb compared to previous versions of 3.1, from 331kb to 163kb.

Elementor Pro 3.1 manages to reduce the target JS file size by 96kb compared to previous versions of 3.1, from 199kb to 103kb.

Elementor 3.2 manages to reduce the target JS file size by 195kb, from 331kb to 136kb, compared to versions prior to 3.1, and the target CSS file size by 11kb, from 146kb to 135kb, compared to versions prior to 3.1.

Elementor 3.3 manages to reduce the target JS file size by 62kb compared to previous versions of 3.1, from 146kb to 86kb.

Elementor Pro 3.3 manages to reduce the target JS file size by 95kb, from 199kb to 104kb, compared to versions prior to 3.1, and the target CSS file size by 152kb, from 206kb to 54kb, compared to versions prior to 3.1.

Elementor Pro plugin has zero CSS weight: Elementor Pro now starts with zero CSS by default, which means that when you start using the plugin, it doesn't have a CSS weight until you start adding widgets. This approach dramatically reduces the CSS size of your site, making it faster and more efficient.

WooCommerce Widgets: A game-changing feature for WooCommerce users, Elementor 3.25 saves up to 197KB of CSS by conditionally loading the CSS of WooCommerce widgets based on usage. previously, even if only one widget was used, it would load the CSS of all 32! This update eliminates unnecessary loads and makes your WooCommerce store significantly faster.

Global Styles: Again, global styles are now conditionally loaded, which further reduces the CSS file size by 65KB.
Elementor Widget Styles: Starting with Elementor 3.25, widget styles are conditionally loaded. Instead of loading the entire style set at once, this update now loads the styles for each of the 6 theme element widgets, 3 rotating widgets, and 2 form widgets.

Diamo is a big fan of Elementor, all my Diamo sites are built with it and optimized for speed to around 100 using deep optimization methods (Google speed test). In the future, there may only be 2 types of page builders, one called Elementor and the other called something else. ele will be the preferred builder for WordPress site building now and in the future.


Elementor Speed Optimization Tips

This tutorial only optimizes the speed of the Elementor page builder, please also follow theThe Ultimate WordPress Speed Optimization TutorialThe article optimizes other aspects to improve the overall site loading speed.


Increase the memory used by Elementor

Elementor very eat configuration, if the content is not enough is very easy to card, most hosts by default the available memory is only 64M or 128M, so you need to modify the PHP memory limit as well as the site may be the maximum memory.Ele editing interface widgets have been spinning around not loading, basically not enough memory to cause.

Modification method.First, go to PHP settings and change memory_limit down.1G RAM to 128M, 2G RAM to 256M, 4G RAM to 512M.4G or more RAM can be changed to 768MAfter the modification, it is recommended to restart PHP. After the modification, it is recommended to restart PHP, the virtual host does not need to be restarted.

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接下来进入FTP文件管理,在Root directoryFind and open the wp-config.php file Pasted 76 , add the following code to modify the memory limit. Code added to "/* That's all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */”这行上面。

1G RAM to 128M, 2G RAM to 256M, 4G RAM to 512M.4G or more RAM to 768M.If the site plug-ins cumbersome, it is recommended to add to 512MB effect is better.

define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M'); 

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Elementor settings optimization

There are many features in the Elementor settings that can reduce the amount of code and increase the loading efficiency, so we suggest you follow the tutorial below to enable them. The features that are not mentioned have nothing to do with speed, so enable them as needed.

Go to "Elementor" > "Settings" and enter the "General" tab.

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禁用默认颜色 and 禁用默认字体:建议启用,将会使用主题的字体和颜色设置控制Elementor的样式,这样能做到整个网站统一样式并且后期修改方便。

如果你使用Hello Elementor之类没有单独设置颜色和文字的主题,或者你不想使用主题的设置控制Elementor样式,这里不要启用。


点击进入“集成”选项卡,建议全部保持默认不要修改。reCAPTCHA 和reCAPTCHA V3如果填入key将会在每个页面加载谷歌验证代码,速度会变卡,尤其是国内网站。

It is not recommended to use Google CAPTCHA, it is too slow and unusable in mainland China. Change to use honeypot + blacklist keyword blocking effect is better and faster. For more details, please check theBeat captcha! The best WordPress spam blocking method - fast and high blocking rate"..

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Switch Editor Load Program Method:Enable and troubleshoot.


Google Fonts:Be sure to disable it for a huge speed boost. Google Fonts will not be available on the Elementor editor page when disabled. If you have set up a theme font in the General section above, just select the font in the Theme Settings, and you can also host Google Fonts locally.

If you're using a simple theme like Hello Elementor and didn't set the font feature, set it here as needed. Enable it if you use Google Fonts, disable it if you don't. To enable it, we recommend usingPerfmatters的Local Google Font功能本地托管谷歌字体,速度Max!

Form Submissions:If usingFluent FormSuch forms, do not use Elementor form widgets, here set off, you can save resources.

Load Font Awesome 4 support:Be sure to turn it off for a big speed boost. The loaded Font Awesome icon font is over a hundred kilobytes in size, and it's a priority loading level, which really affects the speed!




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CSS printing method:一定要选“外部文件",可以被缓存而且设置优先加载顺序,对速度提升很大。还可以通过Perfmatters PluginDisable unnecessary code. Speed up MAX!

优化图像加载:如果已经使用Perfmatters之类插件的图片优化功能,这里选择禁用,否则启用。启用后在首屏LCP图像上会添加 fetchpriority="high" 提示浏览器优先加载相应图片,提高加载速度,改善谷歌测速提示的LCP加载时间过长问题。

启用后也会在非首屏图像上添加 loading="lazy" 提示浏览器延迟加载这些不需要马上显示出来的图片,从而大大减少要加载的内容,提高加载速度。

优化古腾堡加载:Whether using the Gutenberg editor or not, it is recommended to enable it for speed benefits. If the Gutenberg editor is not used, it is recommended to use theASEand other plugins to disable the Gutenberg editor.

延迟加载背景图像:Enable on demand, if your site has other plugins (such as Perfmatters) have the same function, it is recommended to enable this function in other plugins, disable it here, otherwise enable it.

Mo I've used this feature of Elementor and found it to be mediocre, some of the background images of Elementor widgets outside the first screen won't delay loading. And Perfmatters delayed loading background image feature works perfectly.

Tips: “延迟加载背景图像”和Elementor Vedio 小部件的延迟加载使用自己的JS延迟加载代码,不使用WordPress原生加载。

元素缓存过期:Enable the "Element Cache" feature in the "Features" section mentioned below to display this option and control how long it takes to regenerate the element cache. Keep the default of 1-3 days for frequent changes, or 1 week, 1 month, etc. if your site is rarely changed.



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Optimize markup:Enable it to reduce DOM boosting speed. If you have previously added a lot of custom CSS to control the appearance of Elementor widgets, and the CSS class name uses the Elementor container name, enabling this feature may cause some CSS to fail. Take care to check this after enabling it.

Landing page:Disable, in the "template" inside will add a "landing page" plate, easy to create and manage landing pages. Xiaodi I think this function is redundant, will only mess up the background, do not recommend to enable.

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Nested elements:It is highly recommended to enable, you can insert other widgets in Tabs and other widgets, it is very helpful to build the page! You need to enable the "Container" function below, it works best with it.


Attention: Xiaomo found that enabling this feature will cause some widgets to function abnormally, after enabling it, you have to check the website display, especially whether the text content is displayed correctly or not. If the display is abnormal, in the ele editing interface, turn off the cache function of the corresponding widgets according to the settings in the following figure.

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The following is the "Stable features" setting ↓.

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内联字体图标:You can turn the icon font into inline SVG icons, a great improvement in speed! Note: star rating RatingRating widget stars do not choose Fontawsome, otherwise it will aggravate a more than 70KB icon font, choose the beginning of the U that is SVG icons.


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额外的自定义断点:Enable on demand. The default website has 3 ends, mobile, tablet and PC, and you can customize to add more ends after enabling. By default the PC end settings do not take care of the display effect of regular size laptops, and many PC end pages are badly displayed on laptops.

Diamo recommends enabling this feature to add a new handheld end. If you have a simple website design, uncomplicated compatibility, or don't want the hassle of setting up 4 ends, you can set it to be disabled.


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Container:Open, you can use Container to build page structure, more flexible and powerful than the previous section/column layout. It can also reduce the DOM size to improve the page speed.


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升级 Swiper 库:启用。升级滑块/幻灯片的轮播功能,对速度有提升。我预计这个功能迟早会变成标配功能,迟早也要升级。

Default to New Theme Builder: Enable on demand. When enabled, the layout of Elementor's "Templates" section will be changed to a sleeker look, and thumbnails of template content will be displayed. My D thinks the new interface is not straightforward enough to understand, so I didn't enable it.


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优化控制加载:It is highly recommended to enable it so that each page only loads the code of the widgets that are used, and not the code of the widgets that are not used. Some widgets will still be loaded automatically, and we expect the Elementor team to improve the loading function.


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Default to New Theme Builder:When enabled, the "Templates" section will use a stylish UI design, and you can preview what the template will show. Diamo thinks that this function is not so visual and intuitive, not so convenient to use, so it has been disabled.


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Utilization data sharing:Disable it, no one likes to give their data to someone else, it does more harm than good.


Disable Elementor Google Fonts

Google fonts are slow, Di is inThe Ultimate WordPress Speed Optimization TutorialAs mentioned in it, Google fonts are very slow, try not to use Google fonts. Especially for mainland websites, if you use Google fonts, you will be very stuck. If you must use Google fonts, you need to host them locally.

If it is a mainland website, you need to disable Elementor Google Fonts. Add the following code to the bottom of the "Appearance" > "Theme File Editor" > functions.php file.

add_filter( 'elementor/frontend/print_google_fonts', '__return_false' );

Updated 2023.01.10:Elementor(Free) 3.10.0 and later versions of "Advanced Settings" added the ability to disable Google Fonts ↓, no need to add the above code.

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Follow the Elementor setup tutorial above to use the theme default font, use Ele to build the page when the widget font to keep the default, do not change. Then set the font inside the theme settings, if you choose Google fonts to use the corresponding plug-in or theme automatic function locally hosted Google fonts.


Don't use Elementor to build whole site content

This is the key to Elementor speed optimization! And the best way to get the best results!

We atThe Ultimate WordPress Speed Optimization TutorialAs mentioned in it, the best way to improve Elementor is to not use Elementor to create headers, cookies collection alert boxes, form popups and other content that appear throughout the site. Instead, use themes and other plugins to create the appropriate content.

Because Ele's code is interdependent, a widget may involve a dozen files behind it and cannot be delayed loaded nor disabled. This is the fundamental reason why Ele is stuck. For example, to display the mobile menu created by Elementor properly, you need to exclude the JS in the figure below from being loaded late.

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In order for some elements, galleries and entry animations created by Elementor Pro to display properly, it is necessary to exclude the JS from being delayed in loading in the figure below.

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Excluding so much JS is delayed loading, the speed can be improved much less space.

If blog pages and product pages are made with themes that do not contain Ele code, you can usePerfmattersThe plugin disables all Elementor code on these pages and can greatly improve the loading speed. Google speed test mobile scores can go up to 95-100.

If the theme you're using doesn't do what you want, we recommend switching toAstra Prothemes that are fast and look good. Click to see the ones we made with Astra ProProduct Listing Page / Header / FooterProduct Detail PageArticle list pageArticle Detail Page.

If you can, article/product detail pages and listing pages are also created with Astra Pro, which looks good and is fast. Some features of these pages can be achieved by installing separate plugins, for example, the article table of contents on the article detail page can be made with LightweightFixed TOCPlugin implementation, product detail page inquiry form using light weightFluent FormsProduction.

You can also write code manually (hard-coded) to create headers, footers, etc., faster!

Many websites create a cookie alert bar (below), which is recommended to useCookie Bar pluginMade, lightweight, and used by Diamo.

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If you want to add text, buttons, forms, images, videos, tables, etc. to the page, you can useACF field plug-in + Hook code insertion method.


Disable useless Elementor code

Although Elementor's code depends on each other, there is still some useless code that can be disabled. Disabling it will further improve the speed, which is the top priority of Elementor speed optimization.

Disabling the code requires thePerfmattersPlug-ins, click to viewHow to disable useless resources with Perfmatters plugin. The Advanced Advanced Paid Optimization Tutorial inside this link has a list of which Elementor and Woocommerce codes can be safely disabled.

Note: "Advanced Advanced Paid Optimization Tutorial" is paid content, including advanced optimization ideas, optimization techniques, and advanced use of plug-ins, which can take your website speed optimization results to the next level, and also enhance your WordPress speed optimization skills.

After purchase, enjoy the WeChat manual 1-to-1 consulting service ↓, you can enjoy the manual help you analyze website problems and give optimization suggestions / ideas. If you have other speed-related questions, you can also leave a message / consult customer service.

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Delayed loading of JS code, generation of critical CSS, delayed loading of images

For Elementor JS/CSS that cannot be disabled, you need to use delayed loading/generating critical CSS to optimize loading efficiency and reduce page loading time. For detailed tutorials, please go toThe Ultimate WordPress Speed Optimization Tutorial.


Elementor page building tips

There are many ways to implement the same design when building pages with Elementor. A good build method can effectively reduce the amount of code and is very helpful in optimizing the speed of Elementor.


Minimal use of widgets or Containers

1- You can use a widget to solve the problem, do not use multiple widgets to put together. For example, the image + title + text description of the layout do not use the image + title + text 3 widgets to build, you can also use only image box a widget to achieve faster.

2- Use Container as little as possible, make good use of Flex features. For example, if there are 4 horizontal content blocks inside a section, some people will create a large Container with 4 small internal Container, which is very convenient, but the amount of code will also increase a lot. You can use only one Container, set the alignment direction to the right, and set the width of the four internal elements to 25%, so that you can also be arranged horizontally.

3- Don't use multiple widgets if you can use one widget to accomplish something. For example, the content of the picture below has many elements, some people may use the picture + title + split line + text + title which are several widgets to do.

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If it is the same as the picture below, there are 4 pieces of content, and each piece of content consists of several widgets, to achieve this layout, you need to put each piece of content into a separate Container, and then set it to 50% width to achieve the layout below. This will use a total of nearly 20 widgets, 5 Container.

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The above picture is actually a foreign trade station building a customer's electronic products B2B website section, Xiaodi only use 1 Container + 4 image box widgets to achieve the same layout effect, greatly reducing the amount of code.

Some people wonder how the orange underline, corner markers, and orange More can be made out of an image box. The answer is to use the CSS before+after pseudo-class. Mo pasted the CSS code for your reference.#productdispaly is the Container ID, var(--ast-global-color-0) is theAstra Pro ThemeColor code.

#productdispaly figure.elementor-image-box-img{
    padding: 20px;
    max-width: 50%;
    z-index: 1;

#productdispaly .elementor-image-box-content {
    padding: 25px 40px;
    max-width: 50%;
    z-index: 2;

selector .elementor-image-box-img:after {
    content: "";
    border-radius: 0px;
    background-color: #ffffff;
    display: block;
    width: 18px;
    height: 18px;
    -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg) translate(-50%);
    transform: rotate(45deg) translate(-50%);
    z-index: 2;
    position: absolute;
    right: 50%;
    margin-right: -15px;
    top: 50%;
#productdispaly h3.elementor-image-box-title:after {
    content: "";
    display: block;
    width: 37px;
    height: 2px;
    margin-top: 15px;

#productdispaly p.elementor-image-box-description:after {
    content: "More...";
    margin-left: 6px;
    font-size: 14px;

4- Try to use the same kind of widgets. For example if there are several pieces of content that can be implemented with image box, use them all, not Icon Box.

5- Use global styles for fonts and colors instead of setting them individually for each widget.  


Try to avoid using heavy asset widgets

Slideshows, rotating sliders and other widgets load very slowly, and the loading process will have no style flicker on the customer experience is not good. Where the speed of the site basically will not use these widgets.

Build a page can be a different idea to achieve, if you want to show a lot of photos is not recommended to do slideshows, directly tiled to put 2 lines of photos to show out. Products are also, there is no need to do rotation, directly put 2 lines all show out.

Home top Banner do not do rotation, slow conversion rate is also low. Only use a picture to do background, put the text on top of the picture the best effect, the highest conversion rate, the fastest speed. Less is more, more is chaos.

If you want to display Woocommerce products try not to use product widgets, use Image box widgets instead, use product images, write product titles in the title, and fill in product links in the link.


Try not to use third-party Elementor extension plugins

Try not to use third-party Elementor extension (Addon) plug-ins, Ele is already bloated code, and then install the extension plug-ins on the card on the card. Especially Element Pack (Pro) plug-ins, front-end loading too many resources, the volume is large! Customers pay to find Xiaodi to optimize the speed, see the installation of three Addon plug-ins, Diamo head is big.

In addition to the large amount of resources, these Addons are also difficult to optimize. For example, if you use Ultimate Addons for Elementor to make header slideshow, in order to increase the speed so that the content can be displayed correctly as soon as possible, you need to exclude the following picture of all the JS is delayed loading, so the speed will be much slower.

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If some features ele does not have, you can try to find someone to write JS / CSS by hand to achieve. If you must use a third-party Elementor extension plugin to achieve the function, try to useJet TabsThe plugin is a lightweight extension and is only used to build content outside the first screen.

Di in the background of the site to see people searching for SeedProd plugin, which is used to do only the landing page, in fact, the use of Elementor can make a variety of landing pages, there is no need to install a separate plugin.


Using Eelmentor to make sidebar/customer service bar/hover bar

A lot of websites will produce side suspension customer service bar to increase the conversion rate, as well as the realization of the click to return to the top of the function, the general use of theChaty Proand other plugins to create, but it will insert 100+kb of code into the front end, which affects the speed.

It is recommended to use Eelmentor Pro to make sidebar/customer service bar/hover bar, it will not add a single extra code, it is the fastest and highly customizable, it is perfect.

Diamo used Eelmentor Pro to create severalSide Hover Customer Service Bar Template ↓, interested can go to download and use.

Customer service floating buttons


Use "Transform" instead of "Margin"

7- If the section moves horizontally/vertically to a large extent, even outside the screen, try to use "offset" in "Transform", not "layout "Layout" inside the "distance (margin)". This can avoid the "Layout Offset" error prompted by Google's speed measurement tool.

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Use Icons+Popup instead of mobile navigation

It is mentioned above that you should not use Elementor to make the header, but use the theme to make it much faster. However, the theme header builder has many limitations and may not meet the needs of some people, so they will still choose Elementor to make the header.

The Elementor menu (Nav) widget loads slowly on the mobile side, so it is recommended to hide the menu on the mobile side. Use Icon widget to make mobile menu icons, use Popup to make mobile menu navigation and link to Icon icons (remember to hide them on the computer side), it is much faster.


Try not to use entry animations

The content of the section built with Elementor can be set into animation (inside the action effect), which looks cooler and enhances the site's realism. However, it will increase CPU, JS and rendering time. Try not to use entry animations, if you must use them, it is recommended to set entry animations only for the section content outside of the first screen, no animations for the first screen content, it is better to cancel them.

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In order to comply with EU regulations, many websites will have created a cookies collection alert bar (below).

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Small D tested, this tip bar set up out of the animation Google PageSpeed test tool mobile loading time of about 2.0 seconds, cancel the out of the animation/conditions or delete Cookies collection tip bar loading time of about 1.7 seconds. If you change the page down (below) to a certain distance and then show the page, the loading time is about 1.4 seconds. It is recommended to set On Scroll 10% or so to display the Cookies Collection Tip Bar, the speed is greatly accelerated, and the score is also much higher.

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Elementor Frequently Asked Questions & Solutions

The following problems are more common, attached the corresponding solution hope to help you.

Elementor editing interface widgets don't load and keep going in circles

如下图,一般是网络不好、内存不够、插件冲突导致。看上面Increase the memory used by ElementorBoard, add memory to the site to try it out.If the site plug-ins cumbersome, it is recommended to add at least to 512MB effect is better.



It is also possible that there are bugs in the Elementor version, e.g. version 3.26.0, the right side of the load keeps going round and round, and the problem is solved after updating the version.If Elementor encounters a big update, don't update it in a hurry, and wait for a week or so until there is no new version released before updating it.


Elementor editing interface can not be saved, click "update" does not respond

Same solution as above question ↑.


Elementor update page is displayed incorrectly or does not show the update

Sometimes update the plugin will have this problem, use Ele to edit a random page, change something, click "Publish/Update" to save, and then the foreground refresh is usually restored. If it is not restored, pressOfficial Guideof the following table methods to try one by one.

Causes of problemsprescription
Document or data file issues1. Go to WP Admin > Elementor > Tools. 2. Click Regenerate Files and Data.
Caching and optimization issues1. Remove optimizations and cache third-party plug-ins before updating. Make sure they are disabled when updating. 2. Make sure you do not have server caching enabled. You may need to consult your current hosting provider for further assistance.
Elementor Functionality Issues1. Disable Elementor features to eliminate issues with experimental features, primarily performance features such as inline font icons and improved CSS loading. 2. Go to WP Admin > Elementor > Settings > Feature Disable Functions.
Third-party plug-in conflictsDisable all plugins other than Elementor and Elementor Pro on your boarding site to eliminate any possible conflicts with third-party plugins.
WordPress Theme ConflictsSwitch your theme to any default WordPress theme or Elementor Hello theme.
Classname name changeELementor sometimes removes/modifies the classname of some divs in upgraded versions to optimize speed and performance. If you manually add CSS before to utilize "elementor-widget-container" or other classname, the upgrade will cause the custom CSS will not work, you need to replace the classname in the code.
Json is disabledCheck to see if the individual firewalls are blocking the Json path/function
Problems with CSS printing methods1. Disable and clear optimization and caching before updating. Ensure that they are disabled when updating. 2. Ensure that you have not enabled server caching. You may need to consult your current hosting provider for further assistance.

If usingPerfmattersPlug-ins such as delete useless CSS may also be the latest version of some of the new code deleted, resulting in style errors. Disable Perfmatters and other plug-ins to see if the recovery, to find the right remedy for the problem.

Comments :

2 thoughts on “终极Elementor速度优化技巧, 秒开页面, 附常见问题解决方法”

    1. The alert bar in the article with the green-yellow background was created using elementor popups, which is more recommended to be created using the cookie bar plugin.


The email address will be invisible, To put URL pls remove "https://" and "www".

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